Welcome to Oxfordshire Insight

This is where we publish information and evidence about Oxfordshire and the people who live in it, to support the development of local services.

If there's anything you can't find, be sure to let us know.

Census 2021


Health and Wellbeing   (JSNA)





JSNA   Current Population   Local Skills
Community Insight Profiles   Future Population   Deprivation
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment   Migration   Unemployment
Healthy Place Shaping   Households   Education and Skills






Ethnicity   Strategic Needs Assessment 2024   Community Profiles
Religion Environment
Sexual Orientation    Travel
Gender Identity       Guide to Geography

Oxfordshire Analyst Networking

The next Oxfordshire Analyst Networking meeting will be held later this year (date to be confirmed).

See notes from past meetings here 

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For the most up to date data, see the Oxfordshire COVID-19 Dashboard.

For links to the latest advice on the outbreak, see GOV.UK.

For links to community groups in Oxfordshire, see Oxfordshire All In.