Community profiles
These profiles focus on Oxfordshire's larger communities and provide information on population, health and wellbeing, health inequalities, deprivation, and house prices.
Links to profiles |
Abingdon (Oct 2020) | Eynsham (Nov 2020) |
Banbury (Nov 2019) | Henley (Feb 2021) |
Berinsfield (Nov 2020) | Kidlington (July 2021) |
Blackbird Leys (Nov 2020) | Thame (March 2021) |
Bicester (Dec 2020) | Wallingford(Oct 2020) |
Carterton (March 2020) | Wantage and Grove (Nov 2020) |
Charlbury (June 2021) | Witney (Feb 2021) |
Chipping Norton (Aug 2021) | Woodstock (Dec 2020) |
Didcot (Sept 2021) |
Other community profiles will be added here as they are developed