Household analysis of Oxfordshire using 2021 Census Data
households - Census 2021
Statistics on migration in Oxfordshire

The pattern of population change varies across the county

In 2021 the population of Oxfordshire was 725,314, an increase of 71,516 (+11%)  from 653,798 in 2011.

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) has released the first results from the 2021 Census providing data at Local Authority level only, including population counts by 5-year age band and count of households. All data has been provided rounded to the nearest 100 and may not sum.

2021 Census
Census logo
A bitesize for the Oxfordshire housing-led population forecasts February 2022 update
28 February 2022
This is the data for the Oxfordshire housing-led population forecasts June 2021 update in excel format
28 February 2022


Oxfordshire County Council carries out an annual update to housing-led population forecasts to support planning for school places, social care and other services. These differ from the population projections provided by ONS in that they:

Slide pack used in the webinar on population forecasts given by Isabella Image (Oxfordshire County Council) on 21st September 2021

24 September 2021

Thank you to everyone who joined our webinar on population forecasts on 21st September 2021.

Bella Image (Senior Research Officer with responsibility for modelling and statistics, Oxfordshire County Council) talked through:


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