Executive summary of the main 2018 Oxfordshire Strategic Intelligence Assessment report.

The Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) provides information about crime and community safety in Oxfordshire. It shows emerging trends and patterns in crime and disorder and future threats and opportunities.

The SIA is part of the evidence base which supports community safety partners to plan and target their work.  This 2018 SIA updates the versions produced each year since 2014.

The following sources of data have been used:

  • Crime data published by the Office for National Statistics in January 2018 (data running to September 2017) which allows for comparisons with national averages and similar areas
  • Locally sourced data from Thames Valley Police, running to December 2017
  • Other local and national datasets, as referenced throughout the report

New datasets added since the last version include:

  • ONS experimental statistics on trends in crime severity
  • Additional data on alcohol consumption
  • Recent estimates of opiate and/or crack use
22 October 2018

The Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) provides information about crime and community safety in Oxfordshire. It shows emerging trends and patterns in crime and disorder and explores future threats and opportunities.

The following sources of data have been used:

  • Crime data published by the Office for National Statistics in January 2018 (data running to September 2017) which allows for comparisons with national averages and similar areas
  • Locally sourced data from Thames Valley Police, running to December 2017
  • Other local and national datasets, as referenced throughout the report

New datasets added since the last version include:

  • ONS experimental statistics on trends in crime severity
  • Additional data on alcohol consumption
  • Recent estimates of opiate and/or crack use
22 October 2018

Community JSNA profile of health and wellbeing evidence for Thame (October 2018).

Including data on:

- Geographical area and area boundaries

- Population by age and ethnicity

- People living in communal establishments

- Deprivation and children in poverty

- Health profile data from Public Health England

- Unpaid care and care homes

- GP practice data for selected health conditions (diabetes, dementia and depression)

- Wider determinants of health - house prices and commuting

10 October 2018

Community JSNA profile of health and wellbeing evidence for Didcot (October 2018).

Including data on:

- Geographical area and area boundaries

- Population by age and ethnicity

- People living in communal establishments

- Deprivation and children in poverty

- Child referrals to social care, child victims of crime

- Health profile data from Public Health England

- Unpaid care and care homes

- GP practice data for selected health conditions (diabetes, dementia and depression)

- Wider determinants of health - house prices and commuting

22 October 2018

This guidance sets out the different types of qualitative research, the key principles of good quality research and a checklist for use in assessing reports for inclusion in the Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (health and wellbeing facts and figures).

3 October 2018

Response to the feedback from the June 2018 Oxfordshire JSNA 2018 Conference from the JSNA Steering group (meetings held July and August 2018).

1 October 2018

There is an estimated population of 2,500 residents from the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (East Timor) in Oxfordshire. This population of working-age labour migrants often live in more deprived areas of Oxford City and face multiple health and social needs.

Oxfordshire County Council housing-led forecasts (released August 2018) for small areas. 

The downloadable excel workbook gives rounded data for districts and Oxfordshire by 5 year age bands from 2016 to 2026.

The assumptions used in the forecasts are provided in the front sheet of the workbook.

The areas used for these small area forecasts are Middle Layer Super Output Areas, a statisical geography.  There are 86 MSOAs in Oxfordshire with an average population of 7,600 and a map showing boundaries is available here.

17 August 2018

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment focused on Mental Health in Oxfordshire.  Chapters include:

  • Mental Health Conditions;
  • Use of Mental Health Services;
  • Work, affluence and deprivation;
  • Adult wellbeing and lifestyles;
  • Maternity, children and young people;
  • Population groups;
  • Housing and homelessness;
  • Physical and social environment;
  • Population change and implications for future demand.
23 February 2018


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