This JSNA bitesize provides an overview of the results of the Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2019 for Oxfordshire including a comparison with 2015 and district maps.
This JSNA Bitesize summarises information about smoking prevalence. This includes data for adult smoking prevalence by occupation group, mothers smoking during pregnancy, estimated prevalence of school pupils smoking, and e-cigarette use.
mid-2017 ONS small area population estimates extract for Oxfordshire including wards, Lower Layer Super Output Areas and Middle Layer Super Output Areas
Oxfordshire County Council's housing-led population forecasts indicate the future size and age structure of the population in Oxfordshire, district council areas and small areas (Middle Layer Super Output Areas, MSOAs) 2017 to 2027.
This bitesize shows how the updated Oxfordshire County Council 2017 to 2027 population forecasts (August 2019) compare with the Office for National Statistics projections of population growth in Oxfordshire. The annex shows the forecast change in population by district and the main settlements in Oxfordshire.
Oxfordshire County Council housing-led forecasts 2017 to 2027 (released August 2019).
This pack includes data by:
Local Authority District: persons, males, females, single year of age and age bands 2017 to 2027
MSOA: persons, broad age and 5 year age bands 2017 to 2027
Note that, unlike trend-based ONS population projections, the County Council population model includes assumptions about future growth in housing within Oxfordshire, provided by planning officers in Oxfordshire's district councils as of March 2019.