New JSNA Bitesize on Carers survey 2018-19

NEW JSNA Bitesize on the Adult Social Care survey findings for Oxfordshire 2018-19 now available on Oxfordshire Insight showing that...

  • 69% of adult carers with support or services in Oxfordshire were satisfied, just below the England average of 69.9% and just above the average for Shire counties of 68.5%;
  • An above average and increasing proportion of carers in Oxfordshire reported feelings of stress and financial difficulties;
  • Just under a third of carer respondents (31%) in Oxfordshire reported that they have had to see their own GP in the last 12 months because of their caring role, above the national average of 29%.  This may reflect carers in Oxfordshire in poorer health and/or that carers are now more likely to seek support from their GP.

If you have questions or suggestions for future Bitesize topics we would love to hear from you.
