This summary highlights the key findings from the 2018 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Oxford City including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality.

Also included is a summary of health inequalities indicators for wards in Oxford City from the JSNA Inequalities Annex (including the Tartan rug overview) and the Public Health England 2017 profile for Oxford.

18 June 2018

This summary highlights the key findings from the 2018 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Cherwell district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality.

Also included is a summary of health inequalities indicators for wards in Cherwell from the JSNA Inequalities Annex (including the Tartan rug overview) and the Public Health England 2017 profile for Cherwell.

18 June 2018

Over 80 people have registered to hear about and discuss the findings of the 2018 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and help us to shape the 2019 JSNA report.

Download the programme

Date and venue

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Conference 2018

Date and venue

Monday 18th June from 12pm to 4pm in the Assembly Room of the Town Hall.


Commissioners and service providers with an interest in the changing health and wellbeing needs of the population of Oxfordshire and its communities.
Voluntary and Community Sector organisations in Oxfordshire.
Analysts contributing to and making use of the JSNA.

Conference Aim

To share the latest JSNA intelligence on health & well-being and inequalities in Oxfordshire.
To discuss ways of improving the content of the JSNA going forwards.


PART 1: JSNA 2018 and our changing county
PART 2: Improving the JSNA content
21 May 2018
Notes from the meeting of Oxfordshire Analysts held on 8th May 2018 in the Long Room of the Town Hall
9 May 2018

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Oxfordshire Analyst Networking Meeting in the Long Room of the Town Hall on 8th May.  It was great to see such a wide range of people representing Oxfordshire's Local Authorities, Police, Health and vountary sector.

The presentation topics this time were:

Set of slides shared at the Oxfordshire Analyst Networking meeting held on 8th May 2018 in the Town Hall. Including - introduction to the JSNA, example content, making use of the JSNA, ONS population estimates, Oxfordshire County Council population forecasts.
8 May 2018
Oxfordshire County Council housing-led forecasts (revised April 2018) for districts. This excel workbook has data for districts and Oxfordshire grouped by 5 year age bands. Rounded data for persons, males, females from 2016 to 2037.
10 April 2018

Oxfordshire County Council housing-led forecasts (revised April 2018) for districts.  This excel workbook has data for districts and Oxfordshire by single year of age.  Rounded data for persons, males, females from 2016 to 2037.

10 April 2018

On 22nd March 2018, Oxfordshire's Health & Wellbeing Board approved a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for 2018.


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