This bitesize is one of a series showing data for Oxfordshire related to the cost of living, and is focused on Pension Credit

It includes data on people claiming Pension Credit in Oxfordshire by Local Authority district and an estimate of those eligible but not claiming.

12 August 2022

This bitesize report highlights data on the differences in rates of smoking by deprivation, occupation, sexual orientation and mental health.

30 June 2022

This bitesize is one of a series showing data for Oxfordshire related to the cost of living, and is focused on the cost of food.

In summary:

This bitesize is one of a series showing data for Oxfordshire related to the cost of living and is focused on the cost of food.

22 July 2022

This bitesize is one of a series showing data for Oxfordshire related to the cost of living, and is focused on the cost of renting.

ONS survey data for March 2022 shows a greater percentage of renters (37%) were finding it “very difficult” or “difficult” to pay usual household bills compared with a year ago than mortgagors (23%).

This bitesize is one of a series showing data for Oxfordshire related to the cost of living and is focused on the cost of renting.

11 July 2022

Smoking remains the biggest single cause of preventable deaths, accounting for 1 in 6 of all deaths in England.  

DOWNLOAD the bitesize report

Ensuring every child has the best start in life is one the key priorities of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID, formerly a part of Public Health England).

Investing in children and families and enabling children to thrive is a crucial part of achieving the Governments ‘Levelling Up’ agenda to reduce inequalities seen across the country. Delays in identifying and meeting the health and wellbeing needs of children and young people can have far reaching effects, impacting their chance of reaching their full potential and leading happy, healthy adult lives.

This Health Needs Assessment of school aged children (aged 5-19 years) has been carried out to gain a clearer picture of the needs of children, young people and their families across Oxfordshire. This will help to inform the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme, as part of the Local Authority’s responsibility to commission public health services for children.

16 June 2022
Read our new Mental Wellbeing Needs Assessment report
Person rests their head on another person's shoulders


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