Positive mental health and wellbeing are vital for building population good health. Our social circumstances, environment where we live, learn, work and play, economic factors, physical and mental health can all support good mental wellbeing.

This Mental Wellbeing Needs Assessment has been supported by partners from the Oxfordshire Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health and brings together a wide range of knowledge – from quantitative and qualitative existing data and reports, and views of stakeholders - to understand local needs and opportunities to improve mental wellbeing and reducing inequalities.

23 March 2022

Falls are the largest cause of emergency hospital admissions for older people, and significantly impact on long term outcomes. Falls that results in injury can be very serious - approximately 1 in 20 older people living in the community experience a fracture or need hospitalisation after a fall.

This bitesize shows data from Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (released February 2022) on Emergency hospital admissions for falls injuries and for fractured neck of femur in persons aged 65 and over to 2020/21, with the trend for Oxfordshire county and the variation by district council area.

1 March 2022

Older people living in deprived areas are more likely to be claiming disability caring allowance

This bitesize includes total claimants of Attendance Allowance in Oxfordshire as of August 2021 with a breakdown by district and by deprivation.  

18 February 2022

Please note: this is a temporary document and will soon be replaced with a final version along with an interactive summary of findings.

15 December 2021

People without a home are in poorer health and live shorter lives than average.

The new JSNA bitesize on homelessness in Oxfordshire includes

Introduction to the Treescapes project - given to the Oxfordshire Analyst Network online meeting on 12th October 2021.
13 October 2021

Presentation on mapping Oxfordshire's Energy Transition and Pathway to Carbon Zero storymap - given to the Oxfordshire Analyst Network online meeting on 12th October 2021

13 October 2021

Presentation on Air Quality in Oxfordshire - from statutory requirements to monitoring and data analysis - given to the Oxfordshire Analyst Network online meeting on 12th October 2021

13 October 2021


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