Barton Community Profile Summary of Findings

30 March 2023

Barton Community Profile Insight Report

30 March 2023
Census 2021 data and insight for the provision of unpaid care across Oxfordshire.
Census 2021 data and insight for disability across Oxfordshire.

This pack is an extract from the 2022 update of the Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and includes datasets directly related to mental health and wellbeing.

Note that only limited data has been copied into here on the behavioural and wider determinants of mental health and wellbeing. For further information please refer to the full Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.

10 November 2022

Accessible version of the 2022 JSNA Summary report.

The full report was received and signed off at the 6 October 2022 meeting of the Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board. 

7 October 2022

Summary of the 2022 update to the Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment giving health and wellbeing facts and figures.

The summary includes:

  • an introduction to Oxfordshire
  • a one-page summary of the data that we have been able to include in this update showing early indications of the impact of COVID-19 on health and wellbeing in Oxfordshire
  • one-page summaries for the JSNA overall and for young people, for working age adults and for older people
  • a JSNA visual summary "snake" showing data by life-stage
  • links to dashboards with health and wellbeing indicators at Middle Layer Super Output Area level highlighting which areas rank as worse or bettet than the England average

Note that the information in this report is also included as the Executive Summary of the Oxfordshire JSNA 2022.

The full report was received and signed off at the 6 October 2022 meeting of the Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board. 

7 October 2022


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