The Safer Oxfordshire Partnership works together to reduce crime and create safer communities in Oxfordshire. Each year the Partnership receives a summary of the latest data on crime and community safety in a Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) for Oxfordshire.
Ensuring every child has the best start in life is one the key priorities of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID, formerly a part of Public Health England).
Investing in children and families and enabling children to thrive is a crucial part of achieving the Governments ‘Levelling Up’ agenda to reduce inequalities seen across the country. Delays in identifying and meeting the health and wellbeing needs of children and young people can have far reaching effects, impacting their chance of reaching their full potential and leading happy, healthy adult lives.
This Health Needs Assessment of school aged children (aged 5-19 years) has been carried out to gain a clearer picture of the needs of children, young people and their families across Oxfordshire. This will help to inform the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme, as part of the Local Authority’s responsibility to commission public health services for children.
The Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) provides information about crime and community safety in Oxfordshire and is part of the evidence base which supports community safety partners to plan and target their work.
This 2022 SIA update is based on:
Crime data published by the Office for National Statistics in May 2022 (data to December 2021) which allows for comparisons with national averages and similar areas;
Locally sourced crime statistics from Thames Valley Police, data to December 2021;
Other local and national datasets, as referenced throughout the report.
Thank you to everyone who came to our online Oxfordshire analyst networking meeting on 16th June 2022, hosted by Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council.
It was great that we had a wide range of attendees from local government, health, police and voluntary sector services and the feedback has been very positive.
Unemployment claimant count data (released 14 June 2022 by the Department of Work and Pensions) shows that the number of people claiming unemployment-related benefits in Oxfordshire decreased slightly between April and May, from 10,060 to 9,620 (-4.4%).
Unemployment claimant count data (released 17 May 2022 by the Department of Work and Pensions) shows that the number of people claiming unemployment-related benefits in Oxfordshire decreased slightly between March and April, from 10,275 to 10,060 (-2.1%).
Unemployment claimant count data (released 12 April 2022 by the Department of Work and Pensions) shows that the number of people claiming unemployment-related benefits in Oxfordshire decreased slightly between February 2022 and March 2022, from 10,580 to 10,455 (-1.2%).