Abingdon Caldecott Community Profile
26 September 2022
Profiles of communities that are most likely to experience health inequalities
Community insight profile graphic
look up file from Postcode to areas
2 March 2022

People without a home are in poorer health and live shorter lives than average.

This bitesize gives national facts and figures on health and wellbeing of homeless people and shows the trend in households assessed as owned a homelessness duty (prevention or relief) in Oxfordshire to March 2021.

12 November 2021

An updated profile is now available for Didcot. The report covers a range of population and health statistics, including:

- Geographical boundaries

- Population by age

- People living in communal establishments

- Deprivation and children in poverty

Community profile for Didcot (September 2021)

Including data on:

- Geographical boundaries

- Population by age

- People living in communal establishments

- Deprivation and children in poverty

- Health profile data from Public Health England

- Unpaid care and care homes

- GP practice data for selected health conditions (diabetes, dementia and depression)

- Wider determinants of health - house prices and commuting

6 September 2021


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