Littlemore Community Profile Insight Report

20 December 2023

Littlemore Community Profile Data Report

20 December 2023

Littlemore Appendix 5 Community Survey Results

20 December 2023

Littlemore Appendix 3 Research Questions

20 December 2023

Littlemore Appendix 4 Health and Wellbeing Survey

20 December 2023

Littlemore Appendix 2 Groups, Organisations and Assets

20 December 2023

Littlemore Appendix 1 Distance to Services

20 December 2023

Ordnance Survey Open Names filtered to Oxfordshire (October 2023).

27 October 2023

This pack provides data and links for local indicators related to Healthy Place Shaping in Oxfordshire under the heading of Wellbeing Indicators.

14 August 2023

This pack provides data and links for local indicators related to Healthy Place Shaping in Oxfordshire under the heading of New Models of Care.

14 August 2023


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