A new profile is available for Wallingford.  The report covers a range of population and health statistics, including:

- Geographical boundaries

- Population by age

- People living in communal establishments

Settlement profile for Wallingford (October 2020)

Including data on:

- Geographical boundaries

- Population by age

- People living in communal establishments

- Deprivation and children in poverty

- Health profile data from Public Health England

- Physical activity and child obesity

- Unpaid care and care homes

- GP practice data for selected health conditions (diabetes, dementia and depression)

- Wider determinants of health - house prices and commuting

30 October 2020
Settlement profile for Abingdon (updated October 2020).

Including data on:

- Geographical boundaries

- Population by age

- People living in communal establishments

- Deprivation and children in poverty

- Health profile data from Public Health England

- Unpaid care and care homes

- GP practice data for selected health conditions (diabetes, dementia and depression)

- Wider determinants of health - house prices and commuting

14 October 2020

The Abingdon Profile has been updated with the latest social statistics.

The profile includes:

- Geographical boundaries

- Population by age and gender 

- People living in communal establishments

This bitesize shows peak time data for the period 1st March to 27th July for 2019 vs 2020 from two of the sensors in Oxfordshire County Council’s “Vivacity Lab” (VL) smart detection system which counts road users by type (car, cyclist, pedestrian).  This is an early indication of change in travel mode in two areas of Oxfordshire during the lockdown.

2 October 2020

A new JSNA Bitesize is now available about Oxfordshire's 10 most deprived wards.

The JSNA District Summaries have been updated with the latest social statistics from the 2020 Oxfordshire JSNA:

The Carterton Health and Wellbeing profile has been updated with the latest social statistics.

The profile includes:

- Geographical area and area boundaries

- Population by age

- People living in communal establishments


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