There is an estimated population of 2,500 residents from the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (East Timor) in Oxfordshire. This population of working-age labour migrants often live in more deprived areas of Oxford City and face multiple health and social needs.

A new Community Health and Wellbeing (JSNA) profile has just been published for Wantage and Grove

Community JSNA profile of health and wellbeing evidence for Wantage and Grove (August 2018).

Including data on:

- Geographical area and area boundaries

- Population by age and ethnicity

- People living in communal establishments

- Deprivation and children in poverty

- Health profile data from Public Health England

- Unpaid care and care homes

- GP practice data for selected health conditions (diabetes, dementia and depression)

- Wider determinants of health - house prices and commuting

9 August 2018

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment focused on Mental Health in Oxfordshire.  Chapters include:

  • Mental Health Conditions;
  • Use of Mental Health Services;
  • Work, affluence and deprivation;
  • Adult wellbeing and lifestyles;
  • Maternity, children and young people;
  • Population groups;
  • Housing and homelessness;
  • Physical and social environment;
  • Population change and implications for future demand.
23 February 2018

There is an estimated population of 2,500 residents from the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (East Timor) in Oxfordshire. This population of working-age labour migrants often live in more deprived areas of Oxford City and face multiple health and social needs.

This health needs assessment (HNA), prepared by Oxfordshire County Council's Public Health team, explores the health needs of the East Timorese population in Oxfordshire.

24 July 2018

Report on Oxfordshire's 2018 Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Conference held on 18th June 2018 in Oxford Town Hall. The full slide pack is available to download here.

The conference report includes an overview of the event and detailed comments from each of the table discussions.

28 June 2018

Full set of slides shared at the JSNA 2018 Stakeholder Conference on Monday 18 June 2018 in the Town Hall, Oxford.


  • KEY NOTE speech: The commissioning cycle and how the JSNA feeds into this process - Diane Hedges, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Welcome and Introductions - Jackie Wilderspin, Public Health Specialist, Oxfordshire County Council
  • Our changing county, housing and infrastructure growth - John Disley, Policy & Strategy Manager, Oxfordshire County Council
  • An overview of the findings of the JSNA for Oxfordshire and its communities - Margaret Melling, Senior Research and Intelligence Officer, Oxfordshire County Council and Sue Lygo, Health Improvement Practitioner, Oxfordshire County Council
  • Making use of the JSNA - Steve Thomas, Performance and Information Manager (Social Care) Oxfordshire County Council
27 June 2018

This excel pack includes 25 ward level inequalities indicators for all wards in Oxfordshire and a summary page for each of the 6 Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group areas and each of the 5 District Council areas.

The pack has been developed by Oxfordshire County Council's Public Health team.

First published May 2018

  • Updated November 2018 with new ONS mid year estimates (2017), GP registered populations and CQC data on care/nursing home beds
  • Updated March 2019 with Child Obesity prevalence indicators, GP registered populations and CQC data on care/nursing home beds 
10 April 2019

This summary highlights the key findings from the 2018 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for West Oxfordshire district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality.

Also included is a summary of health inequalities indicators for wards in West Oxfordshire from the JSNA Inequalities Annex (including the Tartan rug overview) and the Public Health England 2017 profile for West Oxfordshire.

18 June 2018


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