How pharmaceutical services meet the health needs of the population.
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

This Helath Needs Assessment (HNA) is focused on the needs of Oxfordshire inhabitants aged 18 years and over who use alcohol, illicit drugs or other substance misuse in a manner of irregular harmful misuse or dependence, regardless of whether they are already in contact with treatment services. A variety of data sources have been used to inform the HNA, including the local treatment services database and Public Health England National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) reports, scientific literature and Government reports.  This report compares current and changing performance data against regional and national benchmarks, and outlines recommendations for consideration in future commissioning of services.

17 February 2020

A NEW JSNA Bitesize is now available on people living with dementia in Oxfordshire showing that:

This bitesize reports on changes in the prevalence of dementia (GP registered patients), the number of care home beds in homes catering for dementia and social groups and activities for people with dementia.

18 December 2019

People experiencing homelessness die younger than those living in stable, appropriate housing. In fact, they have a lower life expectancy than the average person living in the poorest, least healthy countries on the planet.

For the first time in Oxfordshire, this report combines local quantitative data from various healthcare service providers and housing teams, as well as qualitative data from focus groups and questionnaires conducted with people experiencing homelessness in this area, to provide estimates of the homeless population across the county and their health needs. These local data are supplemented with national data to fill in information gaps and place the situation in Oxfordshire in a wider context.

1 July 2019

NEW JSNA Bitesize on health and care of people with learning disabilities now available on Oxfordshire Insight showing that...

This bitesize summarises some data from an experimental dataset published by NHS Digital on Health and Care of People with Learning Disabilities. Within this bitesize, data are reported at a national level with some at a local level.

7 November 2019

At the end of October, NHS Digital published an update to the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF).


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