Census 2021 - Ethnic groups in Oxfordshire
The recent Census 2021 ethnic group release is able to give us a detailed insight into the ethnicities found within the county.
Since 1991, the Census for England and Wales has included a question about ethnic group.
The ethnic group question has two stages. Firstly, a person identifies through one of the following five high-level ethnic groups:
- "Asian, Asian British, Asian Welsh"
- "Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African"
- "Mixed or Multiple"
- "White"
- "Other ethnic group"
Secondly, a person identifies through one of the 19 available response options, which include categories with write-in response options.
Non-White British ethnic groups in Oxfordshire
The largest ethnic group in the county is "White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British" (76.8%).
Of those ethnic groups which are not White British, the largest in the county are:
- "Indian or British Indian" (7.5%)
- "European mixed" (7.4%)
- "Pakistani or British Pakistani" (6.6%)
GRAPH: Top ethnic groups in Oxfordshire after "White British"
Source: Census Table TS022Ethnic groups which are not "White British" by district
- Cherwell (22.1%)
- Oxford (46.5%)
- South Oxfordshire (14.2%)
- Vale of White Horse (16.8%)
- West Oxfordshire (11%)
- Oxfordshire (23.2%)
- England and Wales (25.5%)