Unemployment claimants to November 2020

Unemployment claimant count data (released 15 December 2020 by the Department of Work and Pensions) shows the number of people claiming unemployment-related benefits in Oxfordshire increased slightly between October 2020 and November 2020, from 16,420 to 16,540 (+1%).

Line chart showing claimant count in Oxfordshire to November 2020

Change in unemployment claimants Nov-19 to Nov-20

Nov-19 Nov-20 Nov-19 to Nov-20
count rate* count rate* ppt change
Cherwell 1,280 1.4% 3,825 4.1% 2.74
Oxford 1,995 1.9% 4,660 4.4% 2.51
South Oxfordshire 985 1.2% 2,910 3.4% 2.27
Vale of White Horse 1,020 1.2% 2,755 3.3% 2.11
West Oxfordshire 830 1.3% 2,390 3.6% 2.36
Oxfordshire 6,110 1.4% 16,540 3.8% 2.41
England 998,185 2.8% 2,248,430 6.4% 3.56

*per population aged 16-64 (ONS mid-2019); ppt=percentage point

Note that this does not include people on the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme, which is due to finish at the end of March 2021 (with a review in January 2021).  As of 30 September 2020, there were 24,100 furloughed employments in Oxfordshire, a take-up of 7% compared with 8% take-up across England.

Explore the latest unemployment data for Oxfordshire using our interactive dashboard.

Data downloaded from www.nomisweb.co.uk (15 December 2020); Furlough data from HMRC
