JSNA Healthy Weight 2024

This update is one of a series for the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment in 2024. It is published here in draft form ahead of the Health and Wellbeing board’s September meeting.

DOWNLOAD the report.

This report includes data on child and adult weight from the National Child Measurement Programme and the Active Lives Survey. Summary information is included here about the food environment, other information is provided in the “Food” section of the Climate and Health JSNA 2024 report (to be published later this month).

  • The latest child measurement data (2022/23) shows an improvement (a decrease) in the proportion of children measured as overweight or obese in Oxfordshire, similar to the national trend.
  • Although Oxfordshire performs well against the England average, there are some areas in Oxfordshire experiencing long term high rates of excess weight.
  • Each of the areas that are ranked as worse than average on year 6 prevalence of overweight are also ranked as more deprived in Oxfordshire.

If you have any questions about this release, please contact us at jsna@oxfordshire.gov.uk.
