Community Insight Profiles

Community insight profile graphic

Oxfordshire is one of the most affluent areas of the country. However, this hides the fact that, as reported by the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2019, there are 10 wards in Oxfordshire which include areas ranked in the 20% most deprived in England.

See map showing most deprived wards in Oxfordshire.

To better understand the needs and priorities of these communities, Oxfordshire County Council’s Public Health team is undertaking a programme of work with local partners to create community profiles, providing an in-depth understanding both of local health needs as well as supportive community assets. The community profiles use local data and community insight that was based on an asset-based community development model (ABCD).

Please note: These profiles are working documents and may be updated with additional insight or research when available.

If you have questions or need further information please contact 

*UPDATED* Abingdon Caldecott (Vale of White Horse)

*UPDATED* The Leys (Oxford)

Barton (Oxford)

Rose Hill (Oxford)