New JSNA Bitesize on dementia

A NEW JSNA Bitesize is now available on people living with dementia in Oxfordshire showing that:

  • Between 2017/18 and 2018/19, the number of people (of all ages) registered with dementia at GP practices in Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group increased from 5,579 to 5,869. The prevalence of dementia in Oxfordshire increased from 0.75% to 0.77% of GP registered patients, similar to the England average.
  • 10,000 older residents in Oxfordshire are expected to be living with dementia by 2027
  • As of 1 December 2019, the Care Quality Commission recorded a total of 4,398 care home beds available for people with dementia in Oxfordshire.
  • The Live Well Oxfordshire website lists over 70 support groups across Oxfordshire for people with dementia.

if you have any questions or suggestions for future Bitesize topics we would love to hear from you.
