The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment provides information about Oxfordshire’s population and the factors affecting health, wellbeing, and social care needs. It brings together information from different sources and partners to create a shared evidence base, which supports service planning, decision-making, and delivery. The 2018 report, which was presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 22 March 2018, provides the most recent analysis of a broad range of data. The Annex provides a set of indicators for Oxfordshire showing differences at a small area level – ward, middle layer super output area or (if no small area data is available) at district level. UPDATED 12 April 2018 with additional explanatory text and health state life expectancies at ward level.
12 April 2018

Revised forecasts released 10th April 2018

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment provides information about Oxfordshire’s population and the factors affecting health, wellbeing, and social care needs. It brings together information from different sources and partners to create a shared evidence base, which supports service planning, decision-making, and delivery. The 2018 report, which was presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 22 March 2018, provides the most recent analysis of a broad range of data.  Chapter 3 focuses on groups within Oxfordshire's population.
9 April 2018

Oxfordshire County Council forecasts by 5 year age bands for districts from 2016 to 2037.

Forecasts use the ONS mid-year 2016 mid year population profile as the starting (base) year. Births, deaths, migration and the communal establishment populations are also from ONS.

Note that, unlike the local authority projections produced by ONS, the Oxfordshire County Council forecasts also include expected growth in housing in the county, with forecast completions data provided by district councils as of January 2018.

Data is provided in an excel workbook with counts by 5 year age bands and gender (rounded).

9 March 2018

Oxfordshire County Council single year of age forecasts for districts from 2016 to 2037.

Forecasts use the ONS mid-year 2016 mid year population profile as the starting (base) year.  Births, deaths, migration and the communal establishment populations are also from ONS.

Note that, unlike the local authority projections produced by ONS, the Oxfordshire County Council forecasts also include expected growth in housing in the county, with forecast completions data provided by district councils as of January 2018.

Data is provided in an excel workbook with counts by single year of age and gender (rounded).

9 March 2018

Analysis carried out on behalf of the Oxfordshire Children's Trust

Maps, charts and tables for Oxfordshire and South Oxfordshire district showing..

    Data on children known to Oxfordshire County Council (matched at postcode level, 2016-17)
    - Referrals to Children’s services
    - Children in household with police notification of domestic abuse
    Data from Thames Valley Police: child victims (at postcode level), April 15 to Dec16
    Data from Oxford Health: CAMHS referrals by ward (2016-17)
    Links between vulnerability and deprivation across Oxfordshire
    Persistent absence rates for 2015/16 academic year by locality

10 April 2018
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment provides information about Oxfordshire’s population and the factors affecting health, wellbeing, and social care needs. It brings together information from different sources and partners to create a shared evidence base, which supports service planning, decision-making, and delivery. The 2017 report, which was presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 23 March 2017, focuses on headline facts uncovered by the most recent analysis of the data. The ANNEX provides a summary for each district in Oxfordshire: Cherwell, Oxford, South Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse and West Oxfordshire.
31 March 2017


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