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Type File type Localities Date releasedsort ascending Title
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS301EW - Health and provision of unpaid care
This table contains data on Health and disability . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS008, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS103EW - Marital and civil partnership status
This table contains data on Households and lifestyle . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS004, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS104EW - Living arrangements
This table contains data on Households and lifestyle . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS003, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS105EW - Household composition
This table contains data on Households and lifestyle . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS020, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS106EW - Adults not in employment and dependent children and persons with a long-term health problem or disability for all households
This table contains data on Households and lifestyle . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS021, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS107EW - Lone parent households with dependent children
This table contains data on Households and lifestyle . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS022, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS401EW - Dwellings, household spaces and accommodation type
This table contains data on Housing. The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS016, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS402EW - Tenure
This table contains data on Housing. The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS018, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 12/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS601EW - Economic Activity
This table contains data on economic activity. The comparable table for the 2001 Census is UV028, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right .
Data MS Excel 12/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS602EW - Economic activity of Household Reference Persons
This table contains data on economic activity. The comparable table for the 2001 Census is N104, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right .
