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Type File type Localities Date releasedsort ascending Title
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS606EW - Industry - Males
This table contains data on Economy and employment . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS011b, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS607EW - Industry - Females
This table contains data on Economy and employment . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS011c, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS608EW - Occupation
This table contains data on Economy and employment . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS012 a, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS609EW - Occupation - Males
This table contains data on Economy and employment . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS012 b, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right. 
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS610EW - Occupation - Females
This table contains data on Economy and employment . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS012 c, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS611EW - NS-SeC
This table contains data on Economy and employment . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS014 a, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS612EW - NS-SeC - Males
This table contains data on Economy and employment . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS014 b, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS613EW - NS-SeC - Females
This table contains data on Economy and employment . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS014 c, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS501EW - Qualifications and students
This table contains data on Education and skills . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS013, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
Data MS Excel 19/12/2012 2011 Census data table KS301EW - Health and provision of unpaid care
This table contains data on Health and disability . The comparable table for the 2001 Census is KS008, which can be downloaded from the Neighbourhood Statistics website.National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right.
