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Type File type Localities Date releasedsort ascending Title
Report PDF 18/12/2014 Strategic Housing Market Assessment, 2014.
Strategic Housing Market Assessment, 2014. Summary - key findings on housing need.
Report PDF 26/11/2014 Equalities briefing, November 2014
This briefing (PDF) presents key facts about Oxfordshire's residents highlighting the major equalities themes including ethnicity, religion, sex and disability.
Report PDF 05/11/2014 2011 Census mode of travel to work data by settlement
Reference pack showing main mode of travel for commutes to and from major settlements in Oxfordshire (2011 Census travel flow data).   
Report PDF 30/10/2014 Commuting by mode of travel, 2011
New 2011 Census data shows how commuters travel into, out of, and within Oxfordshire, and how patterns have changed since 2001
Report PDF 15/09/2014 Travelling to work: commuting patterns in Oxfordshire
Headlines from the 2011 Census travel to work 'flow' data by district showing: where outbound commuters travel to, where inbound commuters travel from, and how patterns have changed since 2001.
Report PDF 12/09/2014 Oxfordshire Labour Market Information
Targetted at young people across the county, this bulletin presents an overview of the county's economy, raising awareness of the range of work opportunities locally and of the routes into these opportunities from school. This issue focuses on a career path into engineering.
Report PDF Oxfordshire 06/08/2014 Oxfordshire Children's Needs Analysis, 2014
Uses available data and information to gain an insight into the factors affecting the lives and life chances of Oxfordshire’s children and young people. (Republished with minor corrections in January 2015.)
Report PDF 18/07/2014 Oxfordshire Economic Assessment: Part Two - Update of evidence, November 2012
Review and analysis of Oxfordshire's economy
Report PDF 18/07/2014 Oxfordshire Economic Assessment: Part One – Summary and Key Issues, Nov 2012
Review and analysis of Oxfordshire's economy, 2012, summary of evidence and key issues
Data PDF 10/07/2014 Fuel poverty map (.pdf format)
Map showing percentage of households in fuel poverty (low income high costs) by LSOA in Oxfordshire (2012 data, published June 2014).
