April 2021 Analyst Networking Meeting

Thank you to everyone who came to our online Oxfordshire analyst networking meeting on 28th April, hosted by Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council. 

The event was attended by people from Oxfordshire councils, NHS Oxfordshire CCG, Oxford Health, and charities including Age UK Oxfordshire and Citizens Advice. 

Thank you to our speakers:

  • Philippa Dent from Oxfordshire County Council Public Health who gave an overview of the recently published JSNA and new Inequalities Dashboard
  • Ros Jones from Oxfordshire County Council Public Health who shared work on the Healthy Weight Story Map
  • John Courouble from Oxfordshire County Council Business and Customer Insight who gave a presentation on Examples of Data Visualisation

Thanks also to Margaret Melling, Alick Bird and Sally Hicks. 

Where possible, presentations from this event have been made available on the Oxfordshire Analyst Networking Knowledge Hub group (login required). 

We discussed topics for future meetings and below is the word cloud of suggestions.  Your comments and suggestions as always are very welcome.

Topics for future analyst networking meetings are shown in the word cloud below. 

Word cloud of topics suggested for the next meeting

Details for the next networking meeting will be shared when available. 
