Map showing Middle Layer Super Output Areas in Oxfordshire.
Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) are a statistical geography and a growing set of population, health and other statistics are now being published at MSOA level.
There are 86 MSOAs in Oxfordshire with an average of 7,600 residents
Headlines from the 2011 Census travel to work 'flow' data by district showing: where outbound commuters travel to, where inbound commuters travel from, and how patterns have changed since 2001.
The recently published UK Competitiveness Index shows Oxford City as the eighth most competitive of 45 cities across the UK. The Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Parnership is ranked sixth of 39 LEP areas. This briefing presents the figures behind the county’s success as a competitive economy and looks at how we compare nationally.
Read the headline facts uncovered by the latest analysis of the data in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. This summary report was presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board in March 2014.
This briefing (PDF) presents key facts about Oxfordshire's residents highlighting the major equalities themes including ethnicity, religion, sex and disability.