JSNA Gambling Harms 2024

This update is one of a series for the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment in 2024. It is published here in draft form ahead of the Health and Wellbeing board’s September meeting. It provides an overview of recent research on gambling harms carried out by the NHS, Gambling Commission, and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.

DOWNLOAD the report.

Great Britain has one of the most accessible gambling markets in the world. Opportunities to gamble exist on most high streets and, with access to the internet, in virtually every home. Concerns regarding the harms associated with gambling have been increasing in the UK in recent years and gambling is viewed as a public health issue.

The types of gambling harms identified by Public Health England are:

  • financial
  • relationship disruption, conflict or breakdown
  • emotional or psychological distress
  • cultural
  • reduced performance at work or study
  • criminal activity
  • detriments to health

Wider societal costs include:

  • Healthcare costs
  • Welfare and employment costs
  • Housing costs
  • Criminal justice costs

If you have any questions about this release, please contact us at jsna@oxfordshire.gov.uk.
