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Report PDF Cherwell 30/03/2023 Banbury Ruscote and Neithrop Appendix 3 Community Based Projects
Banbury Ruscote and Neithrop Appendix 3 Community Based Projects
Report PDF Cherwell 30/03/2023 Banbury Ruscote and Neithrop Appendix 4 Research Questions
Banbury Ruscote and Neithrop Appendix 4 Research Questions
Report PDF Cherwell 30/03/2023 Banbury Ruscote and Neithrop Appendix 5 Community Survey Nov22
Banbury Ruscote and Neithrop Appendix 5 Community Survey Nov22
Report PDF 30/03/2023 Barton Community Profile Data Report
Barton Community Profile Data Report
Report PDF Oxfordshire 24/02/2023 Rainbow Network LGBTHM Census presentation
A presentation given to the Rainbow network, showcasing the facts and insights that have been learned from Census 2021.
Report PDF Oxfordshire 30/01/2023 Oxfordshire's 10 most deprived wards
This JSNA Bitesize provides an overview of the '10 most deprived wards' in Oxfordshire.  These wards include Lower Super Output Areas ranked in the most deprived 20% of areas in England according to the 2019 English Indices of Deprivation. This version has been updated to include population counts from the Census 2021 survey and (where appropriate) the new Oxford City ward boundaries.
Report PDF Oxfordshire 25/11/2022 JSNA slides shared at Oxfordshire Analyst Network 24Nov22
JSNA slides shared at Oxfordshire Analyst Network meeting held 24th November 2022
Report PDF Oxfordshire 25/11/2022 Census 2021 update shared at Oxfordshire Analyst Network 24Nov22
Census 2021 update shared at Oxfordshire Analyst Network held online on 24th November 2022
Report PDF Oxfordshire 10/11/2022 Extract of Mental Health and Wellbeing data JSNA 2022
This pack is an extract from the 2022 update of the Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and includes datasets directly related to mental health and wellbeing. Note that only limited data has been copied into here on the behavioural and wider determinants of mental health and wellbeing. For further information please refer to the full Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
Report PDF Oxfordshire 07/10/2022 JSNA 2022 Full Report
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) provides information about Oxfordshire’s population and the factors affecting health, wellbeing, and social care needs. It brings together information from different sources and partners to create a shared evidence base, which supports service planning, decision-making, and delivery. The 2022 report provides the most recent analysis of a broad range of data.  This report was received and signed off by the 6 October 2022 meeting of the Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Board. 
