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Report PDF Cherwell 02/07/2020 JSNA Cherwell 2020
This summary highlights the key findings from the 2020 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Cherwell district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality. Also included is a summary of health inequalities indicators for wards in Cherwell from the JSNA Inequalities Annex (including the Tartan rug overview) and the Public Health England profile for Cherwell.
Report PDF Oxford 02/07/2020 JSNA Oxford 2020
This summary highlights the key findings from the 2020 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Oxford district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality. Also included is a summary of health inequalities indicators for wards in Oxford from the JSNA Inequalities Annex (including the Tartan rug overview) and the Public Health England profile for Oxford.
Report PDF South Oxfordshire 02/07/2020 JSNA South Oxfordshire 2020
This summary highlights the key findings from the 2020 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for South Oxfordshire district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality. Also included is a summary of health inequalities indicators for wards in South Oxfordshire from the JSNA Inequalities Annex (including the Tartan rug overview) and the Public Health England profile for South Oxfordshire.
Report PDF Vale of White Horse 02/07/2020 JSNA Vale of White Horse 2020
This summary highlights the key findings from the 2020 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Vale of White Horse district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality. Also included is a summary of health inequalities indicators for wards in Vale of White Horse from the JSNA Inequalities Annex (including the Tartan rug overview) and the Public Health England profile for Vale of White Horse.
Report PDF West Oxfordshire 02/07/2020 JSNA West Oxfordshire 2020
This summary highlights the key findings from the 2020 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for West Oxfordshire district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality. Also included is a summary of health inequalities indicators for wards in West Oxfordshire from the JSNA Inequalities Annex (including the Tartan rug overview) and the Public Health England profile for West Oxfordshire.
Report PDF Oxfordshire 23/06/2020 June 2020 summary of presentations to analyst meeting
Summary of presentations to the Oxfordshire analyst networking meeting held online on 11th June 2020
Report PDF Oxfordshire 16/06/2020 New JSNA Bitesize on unemployment to May 2020
This JSNA Bitesize provides a summary of the latest Department of Work and Pensions claimant count data for Oxfordshire (published 16 June 2020), showing the change to May 2020.
Report PDF Oxfordshire 20/05/2020 New JSNA Bitesize on unemployment to April 2020
This JSNA Bitesize provides a summary of the latest Department of Work and Pensions claimant count data for Oxfordshire, showing the change between March 2020 and April 2020.
Report PDF Oxfordshire 30/04/2020 2020 Oxfordshire Strategic Intelligence Assessment
The Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) provides information about crime and community safety in Oxfordshire and is part of the evidence base which supports community safety partners to plan and target their work. This 2020 SIA update is based on: Crime data published by the Office for National Statistics in January 2020 (data to September 2019) which allows for comparisons with national averages and similar areas; Locally sourced crime statistics from Thames Valley Police, data to December 2019; Other local and national datasets, as referenced throughout the report.
Report PDF Oxfordshire 30/04/2020 2020 Oxfordshire Strategic Intelligence Assessment SUMMARY
Executive summary of the 2020 Oxfordshire Strategic Intelligence Assessment. The Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) provides information about crime and community safety in Oxfordshire and is part of the evidence base which supports community safety partners to plan and target their work. This 2020 SIA update is based on: Crime data published by the Office for National Statistics in January 2020 (data to September 2019) which allows for comparisons with national averages and similar areas; Locally sourced crime statistics from Thames Valley Police, data to December 2019; Other local and national datasets, as referenced throughout the report.
