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Report PDF Oxfordshire 17/06/2021 Oxfordshire housing-led population forecasts June 2021 update (2019-2029) Bitesize
A bitesize for the Oxfordshire housing-led population forecasts June 2021 update
Report PDF Cherwell 08/06/2021 JSNA Cherwell 2021
This summary highlights the key findings from the 2021 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Cherwell district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality.
Report PDF Oxford 08/06/2021 JSNA Oxford 2021
This summary highlights the key findings from the 2021 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Oxford district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality.
Report PDF South Oxfordshire 08/06/2021 JSNA South Oxfordshire 2021
This summary highlights the key findings from the 2021 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for South Oxfordshire district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality.
Report PDF Vale of White Horse 08/06/2021 JSNA Vale of White Horse 2021
This summary highlights the key findings from the 2021 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Vale of White Horse district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality.
Report PDF West Oxfordshire 08/06/2021 JSNA West Oxfordshire 2021
This summary highlights the key findings from the 2021 Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for West Oxfordshire district including historical and projected population change, wider determinants, health and mortality.
Report PDF Oxfordshire 31/03/2021 JSNA 2021 Executive Summary
Summary of the 2021 update to the Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment giving health and wellbeing facts and figures. Amended 18/06/2021: community safety statistics - victims data now refers to counts of unique victims. The summary includes: an introduction to Oxfordshire a one-page summary of the data that we have been able to include in this update showing early indications of the impact of COVID-19 on health and wellbeing in Oxfordshire one-page summaries for the JSNA overall and for young people, for working age adults and for older people a JSNA visual summary "snake" showing data by life-stage a JSNA inequalities data "tartan rug" for Oxfordshire showing health and wellbeing indicators at Middle Layer Super Output Area level and highlighting which areas rank as worse or bettet than the England average Note that this information in this report is also included as the Executive Summary of the Oxfordshire JSNA 2021
Report PDF Oxfordshire 31/03/2021 JSNA 2021 Full Report
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) provides information about Oxfordshire’s population and the factors affecting health, wellbeing, and social care needs. It brings together information from different sources and partners to create a shared evidence base, which supports service planning, decision-making, and delivery. The 2021 report provides the most recent analysis of a broad range of data.  Last updated 18th June 2021
Report PDF South Oxfordshire 31/03/2021 Thame profile (March 2021)
Community profile of Health and Wellbeing evidence for Thame (March 2021) including data on: - Geographical boundaries - Population by age - People living in communal establishments - Deprivation and children in poverty - Health profile data from Public Health England - Unpaid care and care homes - GP practice data for selected health conditions (diabetes, dementia and depression) - Wider determinants of health - house prices and commuting
Poster PDF Oxfordshire 30/03/2021 JSNA Facts and Figures 'Snake' 2021
Infographic of data from the 2021 JSNA, arranged by lifecourse
