Presentation on Air Quality in Oxfordshire - from statutory requirements to monitoring and data analysis - given to the Oxfordshire Analyst Network online meeting on 12th October 2021

13 October 2021

Thank you to everyone who came to our online Oxfordshire analyst networking meeting on 12th October 2021, hosted by Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council. 

The event was attended by analysts and others from a wide range of local government and health services. 

There was a lot of very positive feedback, thank you to our excellent speakers:

Slide pack used in the webinar on population forecasts given by Isabella Image (Oxfordshire County Council) on 21st September 2021

24 September 2021

Thank you to everyone who joined our webinar on population forecasts on 21st September 2021.

Bella Image (Senior Research Officer with responsibility for modelling and statistics, Oxfordshire County Council) talked through:

Thank you to everyone who came to our online Oxfordshire analyst networking meeting on 28th April, hosted by Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council. 

The event was attended by people from Oxfordshire councils, NHS Oxfordshire CCG, Oxford Health, and charities including Age UK Oxfordshire and Citizens Advice. 

Thank you to our speakers:

Thank you to everyone who came to our online Oxfordshire analyst networking meeting on 10th November, hosted by Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council. 

And thank you to our excellent speakers:

Summary of the discussions which took place in the 8th September 2020 analyst networking meeting.
25 September 2020
Summary of the three presentations given at the (virtual) analyst networking meeting which took place on the 8th September 2020.
25 September 2020

Thank you to everyone who came to our second fully online Oxfordshire analyst networking meeting on the 8th September, hosted by Oxfordshire County Council and Oxford City Council. 

Three sessions were run this time by:

Summary of presentations to the Oxfordshire analyst networking meeting held online on 11th June 2020

23 June 2020


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