The latest Oxfordshire Strategic Intelligence Assessment for 2017 provides updated information about crime and community safety in Oxfordshire. It aids understanding of emerging trends and patterns in crime and disorder, and it explores future threats and opportunities.

The Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) provides information about crime and community safety in Oxfordshire. It aids understanding of emerging trends and patterns in crime and disorder, and it explores future threats and opportunities. The SIA is part of the evidence base which supports community safety partners to plan and target their work. This document includes the introduction and executive summary.
18 May 2017
The Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) provides information about crime and community safety in Oxfordshire. It aids understanding of emerging trends and patterns in crime and disorder, and it explores future threats and opportunities. The SIA is part of the evidence base which supports community safety partners to plan and target their work.
18 May 2017

This document uses a broad range of data, intelligence and analytical techniques to provide a strong evidence base for identifying the 2014/15 community safety priorities for the Oxfordshire Safer Communities Partnership (OSCP). This evidence base forms the second Countywide Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) for the OSCP.

Oxfordshire Safer Communities Partnership Strategic Intelligence Assessment 2014/15

4 July 2014

Oxfordshire Safer Communities Partnership Annual Refresh 2013-14

1 July 2013

The latest version of the bi-annual report on performance and monitoring indicators prepared for the Oxfordshire Safer Communities Partnership has been published.

Report with performance and monitoring indicators reviewed by the Oxfordshire Safer Communities Partnership

1 November 2013

This five year Oxfordshire Safer Communities Partnership (OSCP) Business Plan describes how partners in Oxfordshire support local Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) to deliver plans through the most effective delivery structure.

1 May 2012


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