Disability in Oxfordshire

The rate of the population who report they are disabled has grown since 2011.

  • The Census 2021 tells us that the proportion of the those in Oxfordshire who report they are disabled under the Equality Act has increased since Census 2011 from 13.8% to 14.5% (+0.7 percentage points difference).  This is not age-standardised.
  • Across England and Wales, 17.5% of the population described themselves as being disabled under the Equality Act. This was 17.9% in 2011 (-2.3% difference).

The question in 2021 was "Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?". If they answered yes, a further question "Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities?" was presented. 

For more information please see the ONS Disability Census 2021 publication

Table 1: Disability in Oxfordshire, 2011 to 2021

Disabled under the Equality Act

2011 (%)

2021 (%)

percentage point difference 2011-2021
Day-today activities limited a lot



Day-to-day activities limited a little




Not disabled under the Equality Act



Source: Census tables TS038, QS303EW

Long-term physical or mental health conditions

Distict-level proportions of disability