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Report PDF Oxfordshire 04/12/2017 JSNA focus on older people
Slides showing data from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment with a focus on older people in Oxfordshire. Including.. - Population change by age and sex - Life expectancy - Income, poverty and deprivation - Estimate of people self-funding care - Health profile - Cause of deaths of older people - Estimate of people living with dementia - Geographical barriers to local services - People providing unpaid care
Report PDF Oxfordshire 04/12/2017 Bicester JSNA profile
 Community JSNA profile of health and wellbeing evidence for Bicester (November 2017). Including data on: - Geographical area and area boundaries - Population by age - People living in communal establishments - Deprivation and children in poverty - Health profile data from Public Health England - Unpaid care and care homes - GP practice data for selected health conditions (diabetes, dementia and depression) - Wider determinants of health - house prices and commuting NOTE: the original version published November 2017 had an error in the commuting summary in chapter 7 giving an incorrect percentage of people working outside Bicester.  With apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Report PDF Oxfordshire 23/02/2018 Mental Health JSNA February 2018
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment focused on Mental Health in Oxfordshire.  Chapters include: Mental Health Conditions; Use of Mental Health Services; Work, affluence and deprivation; Adult wellbeing and lifestyles; Maternity, children and young people; Population groups; Housing and homelessness; Physical and social environment; Population change and implications for future demand.
Data MS Excel Cherwell 09/03/2018 Oxfordshire County Council SYA forecasts for districts 2016 to 2037
Oxfordshire County Council single year of age forecasts for districts from 2016 to 2037. Forecasts use the ONS mid-year 2016 mid year population profile as the starting (base) year.  Births, deaths, migration and the communal establishment populations are also from ONS. Note that, unlike the local authority projections produced by ONS, the Oxfordshire County Council forecasts also include expected growth in housing in the county, with forecast completions data provided by district councils as of January 2018. Data is provided in an excel workbook with counts by single year of age and gender (rounded).
Data MS Excel Oxford 09/03/2018 Oxfordshire County Council SYA forecasts for districts 2016 to 2037
Oxfordshire County Council single year of age forecasts for districts from 2016 to 2037. Forecasts use the ONS mid-year 2016 mid year population profile as the starting (base) year.  Births, deaths, migration and the communal establishment populations are also from ONS. Note that, unlike the local authority projections produced by ONS, the Oxfordshire County Council forecasts also include expected growth in housing in the county, with forecast completions data provided by district councils as of January 2018. Data is provided in an excel workbook with counts by single year of age and gender (rounded).
Data MS Excel Oxfordshire 09/03/2018 Oxfordshire County Council SYA forecasts for districts 2016 to 2037
Oxfordshire County Council single year of age forecasts for districts from 2016 to 2037. Forecasts use the ONS mid-year 2016 mid year population profile as the starting (base) year.  Births, deaths, migration and the communal establishment populations are also from ONS. Note that, unlike the local authority projections produced by ONS, the Oxfordshire County Council forecasts also include expected growth in housing in the county, with forecast completions data provided by district councils as of January 2018. Data is provided in an excel workbook with counts by single year of age and gender (rounded).
Data MS Excel South Oxfordshire 09/03/2018 Oxfordshire County Council SYA forecasts for districts 2016 to 2037
Oxfordshire County Council single year of age forecasts for districts from 2016 to 2037. Forecasts use the ONS mid-year 2016 mid year population profile as the starting (base) year.  Births, deaths, migration and the communal establishment populations are also from ONS. Note that, unlike the local authority projections produced by ONS, the Oxfordshire County Council forecasts also include expected growth in housing in the county, with forecast completions data provided by district councils as of January 2018. Data is provided in an excel workbook with counts by single year of age and gender (rounded).
Data MS Excel Vale of White Horse 09/03/2018 Oxfordshire County Council SYA forecasts for districts 2016 to 2037
Oxfordshire County Council single year of age forecasts for districts from 2016 to 2037. Forecasts use the ONS mid-year 2016 mid year population profile as the starting (base) year.  Births, deaths, migration and the communal establishment populations are also from ONS. Note that, unlike the local authority projections produced by ONS, the Oxfordshire County Council forecasts also include expected growth in housing in the county, with forecast completions data provided by district councils as of January 2018. Data is provided in an excel workbook with counts by single year of age and gender (rounded).
Data MS Excel West Oxfordshire 09/03/2018 Oxfordshire County Council SYA forecasts for districts 2016 to 2037
Oxfordshire County Council single year of age forecasts for districts from 2016 to 2037. Forecasts use the ONS mid-year 2016 mid year population profile as the starting (base) year.  Births, deaths, migration and the communal establishment populations are also from ONS. Note that, unlike the local authority projections produced by ONS, the Oxfordshire County Council forecasts also include expected growth in housing in the county, with forecast completions data provided by district councils as of January 2018. Data is provided in an excel workbook with counts by single year of age and gender (rounded).
Data MS Excel Cherwell 09/03/2018 Oxfordshire County Council forecasts quinary age for districts 2016 to 2037
Oxfordshire County Council forecasts by 5 year age bands for districts from 2016 to 2037. Forecasts use the ONS mid-year 2016 mid year population profile as the starting (base) year. Births, deaths, migration and the communal establishment populations are also from ONS. Note that, unlike the local authority projections produced by ONS, the Oxfordshire County Council forecasts also include expected growth in housing in the county, with forecast completions data provided by district councils as of January 2018. Data is provided in an excel workbook with counts by 5 year age bands and gender (rounded).
